Places to Visit in Scotland for a Fairy-tale Vacation

If you’re planning a trip to Scotland, there’s a good chance your to-do list is already quite vast. Most travel experts state that 14 days is the perfect amount of time to walk the picturesque streets of Edinburgh, shop for Tartan accessories, visit the iconic lochs, or even attend a…

Going Back to Scandinavia (In Winter)

Tromso on a winter night I am not a big fan of camping. The first time I actually did camp was in the Sahara, under a night sky filled with a thousand stars, next to remains of an early night dinner, of some barbeque chicken and beer kept in the…
Being in Scandinavia..

Being in Scandinavia..

A few years ago, in a Sami (North Norwegian) camp of reindeers, a tourist asked the herder, "How many reindeers do you have?". "Fifty Thousand" came the reply and then he added with a smile, "We do not count, we just be with them". In all these years of coming…
Helsinki, ten years…!

Helsinki, ten years…!

I came here 10 years ago. In the ‘not so spring' day of early May, I followed the instructions given by the hostel website to arrive here at the Euro Hostel, Helsinki, from the Vantaa Airport. I don't think there were any google maps back then coz I remember me…